Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI Web

Documentation and API Reference


Specifies an object that holds all options available in the Grid.

Property Value

An Object which contains all properties in Grid directive.

options = {

allowCellFocus: true,

allowColumnReorder: false,

allowDrag: false,

allowDrop: true,

allowFilter: false,

allowFocus: true,

autoExpand: true,

controlStyle: this.defaultStyle,

editorSettings: { activate: 'click' },

expandColIndex: 0,

gridLines: 'both',

hoverSelection: false,

indent: 15,

labelEdit: false,

pathSeparator: '\\',

selectionMode: 'one',

showFooter: true,

showHeader: true,

showIcons: true,

sorting: 'none'


Version Information

Supported in: v1.0.