Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI Web

Documentation and API Reference


Specifies an object that map the fields names from data source to the ones used by the Menu.


enabled (default: 'enabled')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether item is enabled or disabled
hasChildren (default: 'hasChildren')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which specifies whether item's will have or has children
icon (default: 'icon')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents a DOM element used as item icon
id (default: 'id')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier for an item
items (default: 'items')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier for an item
pid (default: 'pid')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the list of child items
style (default: 'style')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an object holding item style settings
text (default: 'text')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an item label
value (default: 'value')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an object holding custom item settings

Property Value

An object with field names from a custom data source.


This property is accessed through data-fields or fields attribute of Menu directive.

Version Information

Supported in: v1.0.

See Also