Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI Web

Native Angular and Web Components

IntegralUI TabStrip

Native Angular Component - Create tabbed user interface
IntegralUI TabStrip for AngularJS
  • Load tabs on demand from local or remote data source
  • There is no limit on tabs that you can add
  • Search among tabs using text or specific indentifier
AngularJS TabStrip - Tab Header with Buttons
  • Each tab header can contain icon, title and buttons
  • Customizable tab header and content panel
  • Built-in themes
Context Menu in AngularJS TabStrip
  • Modify the tabstrip using custom context menu
  • Each tab can have a separate context menu
AngularJS TabStrip Place Tabs on Top, Right, Bottom or Left Side
  • Option to place tabs on side: top, right, bottom or left
AngularJS TabStrip Right to Left Layout
  • Right to left supported (RTL)
AngularJS TabStrip Open New Tab Dynamically
  • Open a new tab dynamically by using the last tab as an add button